Gillo Dorfles

«Complexity does not harm»: Gillo Dorfles chooses these words to present his unpublished work for the cover of the «Reading», Dorfles is a living legend. Great eclectic of the 900 (he was born in Trieste on 12 April 1910) he has always accompanied his work as a critic, art historian, professor of aesthetics, enlightening essayist (and «special envoy» to the Biennale for Il «Corriere») an intense artistic activity with abstract paintings, the result of a playful, spontaneous, fairy-tale, colorful tale. An uninterrupted painting, with the brush that creates a liquid, fluid and at the same time compact writing in colors, in the precise signs that overlap, merging into a vibrant dimension. Founded in 1948 with Munari, Soldati and Monnet del Mac («Concrete Art Movement») Dorfles creates a painting that is the powerful statement of his being against figuration but especially against fashions and conformisms. Yesterday’s and today’s. On the other hand, at a time when everything is trivialized in the name of a supposed simplicity, really «complexity does not harm».

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