Angelo Centrone, priest

"At the service of thought"

Angelo Centrone (Castellana Grotte 17/11/1924 - 14/7/2004)
Priest at Castellana Grotte (Ba), he always linked to pastoral activity an intense cultural and literary activity, participating in various competitions (so Leonida Rèpaci in 1954, "You are an authentic writer") and writing in several newspapers and magazines, such as "Ecclesia" (his flagship an elzeviro of 1950, "The road"), "L'Osservatore Romano", "Il Corriere del Giorno", "Il Messaggero di S. Antonio", "Il Santo dei Miracoli", "Settimana".
Remarkable was his production in local newspapers, magazines and bulletins, such as "La Scala", "Vivere In", "Sheets for Castellana", "Comunità Viva".
For 29 years he kept the third page of the cultural periodical Castellanese (Ba) "La Forbice", and for seven years, from 1966 to 1972, he published a series of "Religious Dossiers" defined "of the highest level", in a parish yearbook "Uncuorsolo" conceived and directed by him.
Three, his works published by him: Letting yourself live from a goal (November 1999), At the service of the Word incarnatasi (December 1999), Rugose di pacata stanchezza (February 2000).
Quattro, the works presented posthumously, in curatorship: a) Two collections of writings from local newspapers: Collection of writings from "La Forbice" (November 2023), and Collection of writings from "Laudato sie" (November 2023), b) La raccolta, 7 Dossier religiosi in "Uncuorsolo" (November 2023)and c)Posthumous work: Fermentum (Verbals)/School of Youth Policy (Notes) (November 2021).
Affection in his last four years from total blindness, always steadfast in faith, until the end he continued to "fight the good battle", announcing every day the Word, "inviting to realize love", encouraging, dictating writings and delivering homilies "that force to think"."Au service de la pensée"

Author's books

Fermentum (Verbali) – Scuola di politica per giovani (Appunti)


Fermentum. The “minutes”, the accounts of the lessons, the meetings with a “group” of reflection and Christian action, for an army against the enemies of truth, against the enemies of probability, against the narrow-minded.

School of politics for young people. A collection of “notes” of a “School «politics» … of politics” for young people.

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