Loredana Cacucci

Born in Bari on 15 December 1968, he works between Bari, Rome and Milan, with important foreign collaborations, carrying out the profession of artist since 1991. His pictorial research has always projected towards a contemporary and constantly evolving reading. Important was his training as an assistant to Master Ennio Calabria. Among his most important pictorial cycles "A night with Bukowski", inspired by the famous American writer and the cycle" In the Rooms of Andrea" dedicated to high-class interiors. The works of Loredana, are present in prestigious national and international galleries as well as public collections, including the Archaeological Museum Molo Brin - Olbia, Shajart Art Museum Shajart Saudi Arabia, Salone degli Affreschi Ateneo Aldo Moro Bari, Fondazione Mazzoleni Venezia, Museo Vittoria Colonna Pescara, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa Venezia, Polocivico Diocesiano Sulmona, Museo Civico Parisvalle Maccagno, Musae Museo sperimentale Urbano Milano, Museum of Contemporany Miami. Selected and winner of important national and international painting awards including the Premio Sulmona, Premio Maccagno, Premio Giovanni Segantini, Premio Novara, Premio Carlo della Zorza, also includes participations in International Symposia including the International Painting Symposium of Dakar 2019, Sculpture and Painting Symposium of Penza (Russia) 2018 Art dealer of prestigious collections of works historicized from 2010 to the present. Curator and promoter of contemporary art events. Among the projects conceived and curated by Presenze Silenti Rigenerazione Ipogea e Sonora. Professor of Painting and Painting Techniques at the Academy of Fine Arts.

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